HIP attorney Jorge Ramos forms new partnership between Communities In Schools and the SKCBA
Communities In Schools (CIS) is the nation’s leading dropout prevention program. They current have 12 affiliates in Washington State with 5 serving King County.
Communities in schools and South King County Bar Association announce new partnership. Each affiliate has a partnership with their school district and through their Site Coordinator model work to connect students to outside community resources. Teaming with Communities In Schools allows us (as individuals or as firms) to make quick connections to support schools in our community.
All 5 King County CIS affiliates (Seattle, Renton, Kent, Auburn and Federal Way) are on board to help connect us into to schools. There are many ways to help: Serve as a mentor, or tutor; host an intern or provide a job shadow. Dee Klem of the CIS Kent office has agreed to be our point person. If you or anyone you know is interested in learning more contact Dee at dklem@ciskent.org